Tuesday, 2 September 2014

To Be Read: September

I'm going to stick my to be read list, on my blog. And I'll put my own stories here, too. Genius. It's going to be short stories from people who's work I enjoy all free on the interwebs. Anything speculative. 

I'll keep updating it as we go along. If you (and I enjoy all your work, kind readers) want something added to the list comment me up. 

'Eine Kleine Nachtfilm by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro in Galaxy's Edge
'Wourism' by Ian Whates in Galaxy's Edge
'Net-working' by  Frances Silversmith in  Grantville Gazette
'A Cup of Salt Tears' by Isabel Yap in Tor.com
'Anna Saves Them All' by Seth Dickinson' in Shimmer 
'No Lonely Seafarer' by Sarah Pinkser in Lightspeed
'Waste Knot, Want Not' by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro in Natures Physics
'Investments' by Simon Kewin in Natures Futures
'Dharmas' by Vajra Chandrasekera in Shimmer 
'A Fly's Work' by Paul Magnan in Liquid Imagination


  1. A good list, Deborah.
    I just read Seth Dickinson's, Anna Saves Them All, at Shimmer this morning, a noteworthy read here: http://www.shimmerzine.com/anna-saves-them-all-by-seth-dickinson/

    1. Added. Thanks, Erin. Do you want to guest over here to promote your new collection. I sure would like that.
