Friday, 28 September 2012

Dipping my Toe into Literary Fiction

My efficiency drive (essentially, just counting the time I spend writing and putting it on my blog) has had  unexpected result-- increased productivity.

At the end of the third week of September I'd written 4 stories. And quite honestly after four years of writing short stories I have a lot. And I mean a lot. I'm reluctant to tell you how many. In case you think I'm bonkers.

I've tweeted the number, if you really want to know. Don't hate me.

I reckon I can produce 4 science fiction, fantasy or horror stories in three weeks, and that's quite enough. That gives me a week a month for another project.

So I've been casting around for a new project. Novelling would be the obvious thing. But I just don't care for it. It would also be good to focus on craft/improvement for that week. But despite good intentions, I've got no follow through. I could even take a week off. Now, there's a thought.

But I'm turning to literary fiction. Especially after just reading, 'The Road.' Oh the prose, the wonderful prose. I think this is a route that a lot of spec writers try. I've certainly seen some of my writing friends turning to literary fiction, lately.

Should be fun. Wish me lucky. And see you in the clever pages.


  1. Sounds like you have an ever widening passion for all things writing. Literary fiction is just the latest phase of this.

  2. Good luck! What's the difference between your short stories and literary fiction? Is it because you write science fiction? I so admire the amount of work you get done. Yay, Debra! You go, girl!

    1. Thanks, Gwen. I tend to write science fiction, horror and fantasy. Literary fiction will be more real life (usually).

  3. Good luck I hope it all works out well for you.

  4. You are a prolific writer! I wish you all the best in your writing. Hope it all works out well for you.

    1. Thanks, Len. I'm lucky that I have a lot of time to do this thing.

  5. The Road is awesome; can't wait to read that one again. Good luck in your quest, O mighty Jedi!

    1. I perserve. New galaxies to subsume into the Federation. (or was that the evil one)?

  6. I can manage 4 stories in 3 weeks sometimes, but I can't stick to it. Well, when I say can't, I suppose I mean don't as it's just laziness.

    Good luck with your foray into literary fiction.

    1. meh, we all have different calls on our time, Patsy. You're doing great.

  7. I've toyed with literary, but I seem to master the weaker plot part, the beautiful prose... not so much.

    1. What you ought to do is satire, because you've got a rare gift, Rusty.

  8. Great stuff. Looking forward to reading it. Can you fuse literary and genre fiction too, please, while you're at it?

    1. You know me too well, Simon. *Heads-up* Clarkesworld slushers.

  9. Good luck! I'm not so good at literary fiction, but I'd like to try more in the future.

  10. Wow, you are productive! And now you're moving into literary stories. That is so cool. Lots more places to sell your work.

  11. All the best. Hope your literary story is all done now :).

  12. Good luck! Don't think I could ever write literary fiction.

  13. Replies
    1. Cate, I am. What works for me is to focus on production. I don't want to stress about acceptances.

  14. Oooh, this is exciting and sounds interesting. I finished the Road sitting in bed and cried like a drunk teenager. My boyfriend was horrified. :)

    Although I still say it's sci fi - futuristic apocalypse and all :P
