Wednesday, 12 November 2014

'Pure and Without Savour' Wins Chinese Short Story Competitionin

获奖作者:Deborah Walker,文章常见于 Nature 杂志及其他杂志,博客:需翻墙),科幻小说有136篇,真是一位好勤奋的作者!本期微信投票中奖作者是王迪同学,看到微博请微信联系小编哟

Last month I took part in SFComet contest. Along with three Chinese and one Australian authors I wrote a story to the prompt 'Part-time Beggar' my story was then translated into Mandarin and entered into the October contest. 

My story won. 

I'm thrilled. I'd like to thank my translator, he or she must have done a wonderful job. 

I'd also like to thank the vampire squid, who's physiology provided inspiration for my main character alien. 

If you're interested in taking part in SFComet's monthly contest to Bring the Best of World SF to You, find the guidelines here.


  1. Great news! Which country are you going for next?

    1. So many countries! I'd love France or Italy.

    2. And India. I've been published in Indian SF, but never translated into any Indian language.

  2. You're practically on a translation world tour!
