Sunday, 30 December 2012

What I Sold in 2012: Short Story/Poetry Writer

I've got a new story out, 'Alms Race'  at  at Interstellar Fiction and a poem, 'On the Last Day Comes the Indefinable' in the last ever issue of Jabberwocky. I was also delighted to make Matthew Bennardo's list of top stories from non-SFWA qualifying venues. That's the first list I've ever made. I am quite pleased
And today I sold a poem to The Lorelei Signal and to Eternal Haunted Summer. Blimey. 

I was wondering if to post a what I've sold post this year. But then I read few writers posts like Milo's Alex's and Alexa's post and it inspired me and reminded me of a few venues that I'd forgotten about.  

So in the spirit of inspiration, and not at all in the spirit of bragging (okay maybe just a little),  I offer you my sales of 2012:

Story Sales as Kelda Crich

  1. 'All Seeing Ring' in Stupefying Stories upcoming
  2. 'Brennan the Rave' in Aoifie's Kiss upcoming March 2013
  3. 'Jiang Shi in Chinatown' Edge of Sundown anthology upcoming
  4. 'Phreaking Red Box' in Roar and Thunder 2012
  5. 'Circling the Stones at Arbor Low' After Death Anthology upcoming

Story Sales as Deborah Walker

  1. 'Captain Clone' in  Ray Gun Revival  2012      
  2. I Honour my Ancient Ancestors reprint in Eschatology 
  3. Three Brother Cities  in The Gruff Variations: Writing for Charity anthology  2012   
  4. Orb of Pestilence in Stupefying Stories                             
  5. 'Ezra's Propehcy' reprint in Sorcerous Signals 2012
  6. 'Ezra's Prophecy' in Mystic Signals 2012
  7. 'Nebuchadnezzar's Legacy' in Bent Masses 2012
  8. 'Frog Sleep' reprint in Will Aliens Sing anthology 2012
  9. Welcome to the Greatest  Show in the Galaxy in Fantasy under the Big Top anthology 2012  
  10. 'Confessions of a Museum Bunny' non fiction in SFWA blog 2012 
  11. 'New Animal Farm' in  Schrödinger's Mouse upcoming
  12. 'Looking Good' reprint in Cosmos i-pad edition
  13. Speed of Love in  Daily Science Fiction 2012
  14. 'Hatsuyume'   in Kasma's At Years End anthology 2012        
  15. The Venus of Willendorf   in  Unidentified Funny Objects anthology 2012                       
  16. 'Unmoveable Sky' reprint  in Toasted Cake  upcoming
  17. 'Alms race' in  Interstellar Fiction 2012            
  18. 'Frozen Hive of Her Mind' in   Proxima 2012  
  19. 'Drink Deep and Long the Circean Poison'  Arc 2012
  20. 'Glass Futures' in Nature's Futures 2012
  21. ' First Foot' in Nature's Futures upcoming 
  22. 'Dr Millicent and the Wall' reprint in  A Big Book of the Strange, Weird and Wonderful 2012

Poetry Sales as Kelda Crich

  1. Contact in Nameless upcoming
  2. 'Crocodilopolis' in Nameless upcoming 
  3. 'Dark Crabs Feast' in Death's Head Grin Feb 2012
  4. 'In Glorious Lamentation' in Death's Head Grin Feb 2012
  5. 'Moon, Hunt, Death' in Nameless upcoming
  6. 'Phoenix Woman' reissue in Future Lovecraft anthology Prime Books edition 2012
  7. 'Shadow Whisperer at the Black Hole Hotel' Dark Horizons 2012
  8. 'They Call me the Red Hood' Sorcerous Signals Nov 2012
  9. 'They Call me the Red Hood' Mystic Signals 2012

Poetry Sales as Deborah Walker
  1. 'Epona Matins' in  Eternal Haunted Summer 
  2. 'Sea monkey Aliens' in Star*line 
  3. 'Jade Moon Rabbit' in Spillway 2012
  4. 'Mermaid's Downfall' in Tales of the Talisman  upcoming         
  5. 'The Great Whore' in Mirror Dance 2012
  6. 'Perseus' in Mirror Dance 2012
  7. 'Trouble in Golem Town' in Polu Texni 2012
  8. 'Jenny Green Teeth'  Under the Juniper Tree 2012
  9. 'unzipping the membrane' reprint tweet in  7x20                                              
  10. 'shred of crumpled paper' reprint tweet in  7x20                                                        
  11. 'meniscus of my mind' reprint tweet in  7x20                                                                    
  12. 'a silent swallow' reprint tweet in  7x20                                                                  
  13. 'spring brings new life' reprint tweet in  7x20                                             
  14. 'On the Last Day Comes the Indefinable' in Jabberwocky 2012        
  15. 'red goo in the bathtub' in  Eye to the Telescope 2012
  16. 'Bee Maidens of Parnassus' in Welcome to Wherever Birthday Anthology 2012
  17. Green Fae in  Space and Time upcoming           
  18. 'Old Yellow Wait for Me' in   Bête Noire 2012                   
  19. 'Trash Cat'  in Dark Metre 2012                   
  20.  'Remember Winter' Dark Metre  2012           ' 
  21. 'Cybernetic Mary' in  Dark Horizons  2012            
  22. 'In the Labyrinth' in Mirror Dance 2012       


  1. Impressive, Deborah. I don't think you had a dry spell either.

  2. What a great year! I had plenty of rejections, but no sales. I may do a tally on my blog and see what I can learn about myself.

  3. OMG, Deborah, I don't know how you get so much done. Congratulations on your success.

    1. It just kinda accumulates, Gwen. It does look a lot when you write it all down in one place!

  4. Congrats, Deborah and Kelda. Looks like you both had a great year. : )

    1. Thanks, Jeff. Now you see what I meant about this post!

  5. As ever, I'm in awe, Deborah. I aspire to being like you when I grow up. Many congratulations on all your successes.

    1. Cheers, Simon. You've not done too badly yourself. Was that three novels you've got coming out in 2013?

  6. INSPIRING! Enjoyed "Alms Race" -- thanks for the heads-up on that market; hadn't heard of it before.

  7. *clapping whilst smiling broadly at your success* :D

    I'm not at all surprised. Well done, Madam D.

  8. Wow. Congratulations to you too, Deborah! That's some list. It's nice writing fiction and poems I think, one offers a break from the other. Anyway, I better get busy! :)
