Friday, 3 August 2012

Confessions of a Museum Bunny-- At SFWA

My guest blog is up at the Science Fiction Writers of America site. It's all about how I love museums and how they inspire my writing.

It was a lot of fun to write. I ought to do more non-fiction. Thinking. . . thinking . . .

Any ideas gratefully received.

What about you guys? Does anyone write non-fiction? (not counting your own blogs, I already read those) Do post the links if you do, I'd like to check them out.


  1. Nice post. There's really nothing like seeing things directly, in some cases, even being able to get hands on.

    1. Oh yes. I got my hands on a dinosaur bone the other day. Very cool.

  2. I wouldn't know where to begin. So kudos to you, Deborah :)

    1. Hey mark, I was just going to pop over to your blog. Rats, now it looks like I'm doing a tit-for-tat.

      You should do something on writing and gaming. There's bound to be a lot of scope there.

  3. Great post! I never thought to ask a Curator for a tour. That would be so cool. I don't write non-fiction, but I like to indulge in reading it now and then. I recently read Bill Bryson's newest book that has fun details about the history of domestic life. It's fascinating!

    1. My Mum's a great fan of Bill Bryson. He's so witty.

  4. That was a really interesting article. Museums are fascinating places.

    I did non-fiction for my website ( but that's basically all that I've done, other than school stuff.

    1. I loved your eagle directory, Golden. I hope it's getting lots of hits.

  5. Fascinating article, Deborah. I don't write much non-fiction, but I am intrigued by writing fiction that appears to be non-fiction. Made up travelogues, for example. I think there's a lot of scope there.

  6. Interesting article, Deborah. I'd love to see the Tree of Life.

    1. Yes, it's amazing. Also my ten year old son just loved the display of machetes in the gallery.

      Boys ....

  7. I have written a bit of non fiction, but I found it really frustrating having to edit out a lot of the good stuff because I'd made it up so I stick with fiction now.

  8. Very nice article, Debs (as usual, i am late to the commenting). :-)

    One of my dream trip ideas is doing a museum crawl across North America and Europe. One of these days... or perhaps i might have to shorten the goal a bit and just pick a city, like London, and hit all its museums. I better start saving up, then!

  9. Um, nope, don't do any non-fiction writing!
    Off to read your guest post now :)
