Friday, 23 March 2012

The Glorious 300

With eight sales last week, I noticed that I passed the 300 sales mark. I count everything, stories, poems, tweets, reprints even the odd bit of non fiction. If you're interested you can check them out on my side pages. They might not add up to 300, but it's true. This makes me happy. 

It also makes me wonder, where should I go from here? Shall I keep on trucking?  I've completed my first draft of my novel, 'Infected Heart of Tilda Skerritt." Well I call it a novel, it's 50K. I'm sure I could pad it out a bit.

I rather feel that I ought to have some kind of plan. In fact, I do have one: write a lot of short stories, get good and then have a novel waiting in the wings, just in case anyone asks.

A fine plan.
What's your plan?

Also for the poetry fans, I've got a couple of new-ish works, 'Epona Matins' at Eternal Haunted Summer and 'The Great Whore' at Mirror Dance. 


  1. A very impressive plan! And congrats on such a great milestone! I'm no where near as prolific, but my plan is to make each piece as strong as it can be. Best of luck with the novel.

    1. That's a great plan, Blue. It will take you a long way.

  2. It sounds like a great plan to me. And congrats on the 300, That's deeply impressive. I just totted up mine and got 202 so I've got some catching-up to do.

    1. It's the classic plan. And 202? Wow. Did you ever think you were going to publish so many? I know I didn't. This writing lark, it's great.

    2. Yeah, I thought two, maybe three tops!

  3. If you get a half-formed comment from me, it's because I hit the wrong button and ended up elsewhere! Anyway, congrats on all your sales and your plan - that's always good. I've decided to skip the conference/pitch next month and instead spend the money to hire a freelance editor to go over my MS. Then I want to self publish! Then, when it's wildly successful, the agents/publishers will pitch to me, LOL!

    1. How exciting. I can't wait to see you new novel.

  4. Congratulations! :)

    It sounds like you have a good plan. Mine is just to write, revise, and edit a novel (I have yet to do all three on a single project) and then see where I'm at . . .

  5. Nice work, Deborah. I might be close to 100...if I looked under enough cushions.
    My big plan is to get an agent, of course, but until then, I'd much rather be an active member with the Horror Writer's Association. I figure after that, I'll start getting noticed, and publishing with the presses I'd like to be in.
    Good luck - I think you will do good with a variety of plans - there may not be one golden one, you know. Perhaps there is more than one path that will lead you to success, especially since you have both drive and talent already. So, have fun with it all.

  6. If what I've actually done counts as my plan, then its 'have about a dozen half finished novel manuscripts lying around and hope one day someone shows up on my doorstep and offers me a giant publishing contract based mostly on my raw talent and obvious genius.'

    I'll let you know how that goes.

    Congrats on 300 sales. Wow.

    1. *laughs* It sounds crazy, but it might just work.

  7. Eight sales in one week! Oh my goodness, I dream of such things.

    I need a plan.

    1. Your plan seems to be coming together very nicely, Cate. Even if it is subconscious. Just keep on doing what you're doing.

  8. 300. If I were you I'd be taking a cue from that poster and racing around the house in red underwear and a cape and shouting "THIS...IS...SPARTA!!!"

    I think I just got inspired to submit a lot more stuff. See you on the far side of glory in however long it takes me. (p.s. don't hold your breath.)

  9. Way to go, Deborah -- THIS IS SPARTA!!

  10. That is indeed a fine plan!

  11. I keep chopping anc changing my plans. I guess that's why I am not as successful as others, so if you have a plan, I'd say stick with it and see it through. Good luck

  12. 300 Wow! If I ever get to 300, I think I'll make Sparta references too. Great job.

  13. Awesome! And Skermit? Love it!

  14. Well done on reaching 300!! that's awesome :)
