Saturday, 15 January 2011

Fantasy on the Web

Enchanted Conversation is a magazine devoted to the re-imagining of the fairy tale. Each issue takes a fairy tale as its theme and invites submissions from writers and poets.

My works can be found in the Sleeping Beauty and the Little Mermaid issues:

Enchanted Conversation has a new website for 2011 with new pay rates (10c per word and $50 for poems) and is open to submissions for the Rumpelstiltskin issue 21st to 24th Feb.

This is a great site for readers and writers.


  1. Thank you for the information! I stalked you from the Write1Sub1 blog for the tips on how to find a good mag to submit to. Good luck on the new week!

  2. Thanks for saying hello jys. Enchanted Coversation is a great market. Good luck with the subbing part of write 1, sub 1.

  3. Wow! Looks like a great market. One to watch ;)

  4. Hi, Adam. nice to see you. Yep it's a good market. $50 for spec poems, I can only think of Pedestal to match it. Straw into gold.

  5. Yes, you will still be entered. And thank you!

  6. Thanks, Kate.

    Readers, tweet or blog about Enchanted Conversation and get a chance to win $25.
