Wednesday, 29 December 2010

2010 Review

Time to report what I did last year. A good year, I think.

Wrote a quarter of a million words of fiction and poetry. Wrote the first draft of a novel.
Made 85 sales, 35 short stories and 40 poems, Here are a few selected reads:

'Aunty Merkel' in Nature's Futures 2010
'Ezra's Prophecy' in Daily Science Fiction 2010
'The Frozen Hive of her Mind' in Nature's Futures 2010
'Looking Good' in Cosmos 33 2010

Wrote some non-ficition and interviews.

Joined BFS, and SFWA as an acitve member

Attended Milford, the residential writers' workshop in Wales.

Became an indie publisher by self-publishing two short stories and one collection on Smashwords.

In 2011, I going to continue e-publishing for a few months. I'm going to set a three month goal to get my e-race score, as outlined by Dean Wesley Smith to 15.

6 short stories/collection at 99 cents ---------6 points
free short stories ------------------------------------0 points
3 collections of reprint poetry at $2.99 --------9 points

At the moment I'm using previously published words, to which I own the reprint rights. The big question is: should I start publishing originals works, and lose the first publishing right and saleability of the story?


  1. That's a great year Deborah. 250K words? 85 sales? Wow.

    E-race intrigues me greatly. I'm going to have to investigate that now, having indie-published some short stories via Amazon and Smashwords myself ...

  2. Thanks, Simon.

    We're going to have to compare note about indie publihing one of these days.
