Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Time Waits for No Woman

I've very pleased to announce my story 'Siby' will be appearing in 'Timeshift' with these fine folk:

It's an anthology of time and time travel stories. A subject that comes up from time to time in my own work.

I'm very thrilled to be front cover hobnobbing with Robert Silverberg,

The anthology is on Kickstarter until Sunday 7th June 2018 if you'd like to check that out, please go here. 

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Calleva Atrebatum sold to Nameless

I'm very pleased to announce the sale of Calleva Atrebatum to Nameless Magazine. This will be Kelda's second appearance in the magazine. 

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

'Captain Clone' and 'Looking Good' on Apple

I'm very pleased to see my stories 'Captain Clone' and 'Looking Good' are now available in New Accelerator in Apple's Newstand app.

I'm hoping for a contributors copy/access, so I can investigate.