Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Aunty Merkel Marks My Seven Hundred Fifty First Sale

Pleased to see 'Aunty Merkel' in this free to read Wattpad collection of very short stories. This is my 751st sale. Not too shabby. 

Monday, 20 June 2016

'Frozen Hive' and 'Pure and Without Savour' Sold to Estonia

'The Frozen Hive of Her Mind' first published in Nature's Futures and 'Pure and Without Savour' first published in SF Comet have been published in Esotonian transaltion in Reaktor. 

Andin spookily coincidental news, they have also sold to Supernova for Slovenian translation. 

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Double Whammy Sale

I'm delighted to have sold my story 'The Three Brother Cities' to this year's Young Explorer's Adventure Guide. And pubication of my novelette 'Briefly Thyself Remembered' will be a stretch goal for the kickstarter. wheeeee!

This marks my sale to all three of the series, so far. #nojinx 2015 and 2016