Saturday, 26 February 2011

How I Write. . . Targets

I haven't been doing my targets this month, and my word count has slipped. It's strange that the act of posting my targets motivates me into getting things done, but I better get back to it.

I have a few main targets. They tend to change a little from month to month depending on my mood.
Submissions-- four subs to the pro press every week (can be an old story).
Wordcount -- 5K of finished fiction/poetry per week. (counting only work that is ready to submit).
Write1Sub1 -- write a new piece every week, sub every week.

These targets are useful because they are within my control. A target like 'get one acceptance from  Fantasy and Science Fiction' is not helpful, because it's something that I can't control. This is my usual target outline:

Week 1 eg. subs 4  word count 8K new poems 2  poems subbed 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

Runnig Total
Monthly Target

I just fill in the blanks as I go along. The weekly target seems to work for me. A monthly target is too vague, and a daily target is too subject to the vagaries of life.

Here's an example of how it works for me. When I totted up my monthly word count, I found it came to 5K, which is quite low for me (did a lot of poetry in the first two weeks). Now to meet my targets, instead of working on my shiny new work in progress (a steampunk story at a very early stage), I'll work on an almost finished 15K story from from last month. Sticking to the targets I've set out, really puts me on track.

What about you? Do you find writing targets useful?

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Interviewed at Trapeze Magazine

Jessica Otto interviews me about micro-poetry at Trapeze Magazine. I love micro-poetry. Jessica has also said some interesting things about the form herself when interviewed by Simon Kewin at Write1 Sub1 recently.

Two of my twitter poems recently published by Trapeze: Wire to Flesh and Bird Flying

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

100 Followers Giveaway from CherylAnne

My new crusader friend is having a 100 followers giveaway with two $10 Amazon vouchers up for grabs. Congratulations on reaching 100 followers, CherylAnne.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Analog to Accept Electronic Submission

The exciting news from SFScope : Analog will start accepting electronic submissions from 22nd Febuary.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Pleased to meet you

This is a great idea I saw on Lynette's blog. Would you care to introduce yourself via my probing quesitons? Followers and popper-inners are welcome. 

1. What's the best thing you ever wrote? Where can we read it?

2. What's the best piece of writing advice you heard? Did you take it?

3. What are dream publications/or publisher (for you novel writers)?

Friday, 11 February 2011

Crusade for Writing Friends

I've joined Rachel Harrie's crusade to join up with bloggers interested in writing. What a fantastic idea. I'm always looking to make new friends (so very lonely).

Friday, 4 February 2011

February News

My poem 'Queen of the Claw' is up at Sorcerous Signals with some great artwork by Lee Kuraganti.

A story 'The Biodocumentarian of the British Library' (I shouldn't say it, but I love that title) accepted by Cosmos for their website.

Three poems (two scifaikus and a threesome), 'Megalithic Winter', 'Schools Out', and 'Human Day' accepted by Scifaikuest.
Scifaikuest is a print and an online journal dedicated to minimal spec poetry. There's nothing quite like it.

'Sky Bones' poem accepted by Witches and Pagans Magazine.

'Fembot's Quantum Love' accepted by Bull Spec -- a science fiction poem, quite rare for me. I tend to write more fantasy poetry.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Black Gate New Venue for Fantasy Poetry

Black Gate opens for edgy fantasy poetry with Bud Webster as the new poetry editor. Sub details on the SFPA website which I think is open to all. 

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Weird Tweets

I think Weird Tales are going to be inviting subs for tweets. This is going to be fun.

 Weird Tweets
Don’t forget to sign up for our Weird Tweets! We’ll soon have some news about how *you* can contribute tweet fiction…!/weirdtales