Monday, 25 April 2011

Numbers, numbers (and a bit of bragging).

I'm looking to write a story for the current competition of On the Premises. They take all types of short fiction and their current prompt is:


In some way, numbers must be important to the story for this contest. Either specific numbers, or the concept of numbers, or maybe just one number.

Deadline: 11:59 PM Eastern Time, Tuesday, May 31, 2011.

I've come up with an interesting aliens/Africa/fractals idea.

Good news to report with a haibun being accepted by one of my favourite magazines Hungur. Hungur focuses on vampires, and has a special interest in alien and non-western vampires. Haibuns are a mixture of prose poetry and haikus. They're a form that I'm particlary fond of.  See Shelly Bryant's haibuns in Contemporary Haibun Online.

One of my tweets has  been accepted by the 7x20 anthology. I've just completed a week there, and they're back open for submission. Highly recommended.


  1. Wow! Congrats! Numbers are important, but words come first. ; )

  2. I once worked hard and created this long and elaborate joke where the mathmatician couldn't decide if the answer to his problem was '2B'.

    So, in a fit of rage he turned to his assistant and said, "2b, or not 2b? That is the question."

    Thank you, thank you.

  3. "Aliens/Africa/fractals"? Can't wait to read it. And congrats on totally owning 7x20 this past week! Very cool stuff over there.

  4. W00t! Good stuff, Debs! *dances*

  5. Thanks ye all.

    Sam, yes. Acceptences shall always be danced over. woot, indeed.

    Hi, Rusty -- your joke story, 2b or not 2b. I like it. Did it sell?

    Hi, Milo, it was pretty cool, being the voice of 7x20 -- I loved that. And she takes reprint tweets, you should go for it.

  6. And, Rogue Mutt, you deserve a post all to yourself. You crack me up.

    Repeat after me, 'I will not call my fellow writers lemmings'

    Yes, really, tweets. They're an art form. Honest. Check out my 'Micro poetry and Tweets' page and you'll see I'm good at them, or, at least I've sold a lot of them (which could be the same thing).

    I worry about you, RM. I appeciate you, but you might fall out with people. Be careful.

  7. Hi Deborah,

    I know I am late to the party, but thanks for the shout-out for my haibun in this post.

    1. Hello Shelley,

      Thanks for stopping by. But thank you, for writing such great stuff. This is a good reminder for me to look at the Japanese art form again.
