Wednesday, 3 June 2015

What I Sold in May

Here's what I sold in May. I am not displeased:
  1. 'The Worms Won't Feed Themselves, You Know' sold to Young Explorer's Adventure Guide 2016
  2. 'Data Crabs' reprint Hyrdra's Dystopia anthology
  3. 'Sibyl Evil Media Girlfriend Shorts
  4. 'Sibyl' in Slovenian translation in  Vsesledje Year 2015
  5. 'Medea' Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet 
  6. 'How to Sell Stories to Anthologies' reprint non-fiction to sekrit venue
  7. SF Signal Mind Meld non fiction  'Movies that are Better than their Books' 
  8. 'A Stone Guardian is Never Afraid' Live Free of Dragons anthology
  9. 'Last of the Beetle Wing' Lane of Unusual Traders
  10. 'Captain Clone' reprint Beyond: Space Opera anthology*
  11. 'Stone City Old as Immeasurable Time' reprint by Kelda Crich  Dark Lane Anthology Volume 2 
  12. 'Fungal Nights, Uninteresting' by Kelda Crich NonBinary Review
  13. 'Stone City Old as Immeasurable Time' by Kelda Crich Fiends:Ten Tales of Demons anthology*
  14. 'Moon Wake Dirge' (poem) by Kelda Crich accepted by Xnoybis
  15. 'White' (poem) by Kelda Crich Transition Magazine
  16. Rise Cold to the Surface' (poem) by Kelda Crich Transition Magazine
  17. 'Child of Winter' (poem) by Kelda Crich Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet 
So let's break it down a little: 

original fiction: 4
reprint fiction: 5
non-English reprint translation: 1
original poems: 5
non fiction: 2

invite only sales marked* 4


It was a good month! 
It was quite an unusual month for me to get so many invite sales: all of the invite sales were reprints by the way, and token or no pay. 

Feel free to ask me any questions, if you like.  


  1. Blimey. Very, very impressive Debs!

    1. Thanks, Simon. I think that's my personal best for a month.

  2. Well done, indeed! Hey, I might also have a story in that BEYOND collection...

    1. Hee! Only if you work hard to impress the editor, Milo.

  3. You are a force, Deb. Nice work. Care to share how many submissions you made in May?

    1. I can! I'm doing this sub challenge, so I'm listing all my subs. Ahem. I made 75 submissions in May.

  4. Yowsers. I'm going to set time aside every day to make at least one submission, so 30-40 a month suddenly becomes manageable.

    1. Little and often is a great strategy. At least one sub a day seems doable. Good luck, Erin, and let me know how you get on.
