Friday, 4 February 2011

February News

My poem 'Queen of the Claw' is up at Sorcerous Signals with some great artwork by Lee Kuraganti.

A story 'The Biodocumentarian of the British Library' (I shouldn't say it, but I love that title) accepted by Cosmos for their website.

Three poems (two scifaikus and a threesome), 'Megalithic Winter', 'Schools Out', and 'Human Day' accepted by Scifaikuest.
Scifaikuest is a print and an online journal dedicated to minimal spec poetry. There's nothing quite like it.

'Sky Bones' poem accepted by Witches and Pagans Magazine.

'Fembot's Quantum Love' accepted by Bull Spec -- a science fiction poem, quite rare for me. I tend to write more fantasy poetry.


  1. Both paying markets, I see... Congrats!
    "Human Day" has my interest piqued.

  2. Thanks, Milo. I'm on a poetry jag this month. 'Human Day' was inspired by my daughter's 'Ancient Greek Day' at school.

  3. Great stuff Deborah; you're an inspiration.

  4. Thanks, Simon. It was a very good week, I might extend my poetry jag for another week.

  5. You are on fire! Thanks for posting the good news.
