Tuesday 9 August 2011

Retelling the Fairy Tale

Readers interested in the retelling and subverting of fairy tales maybe be interested in John P. Pazdziora scholarly article in Enchanted Conversation.

Pazdziora examines three online fairy tale venues: Enchanted Conversation, New Fairy Tales and Scherezade’s BequestI was very excited to find my story 'The First Queen's Maid'  briefly cited in the article.

Writers may be interested in Kate Wolford comment:

"Those who wish to be published in EC should take note of his comments on this publication. He shares concerns that are my own."


  1. Ah yes, I really enjoy a good retelling. Whether it's from a fairy tale or from a biblical story, if it enlightens or has a new spin on it they can be great.

  2. Hi Eagle, Hi D.U.

    That's an interesting comment, D.U., you see lots of fairy tale retellings around, but not many bible retelling. I wonder why that is. I used to love them. Maybe I should write one.
